Brainerd Lakes Vacationland Business Directory
Pine River/Backus MN Schools
The Pine River Backus school is located in district #2174 and offers K-12 and Early Education as well as adult education. Contact the school district office for information on enrollment.
Pine River-Backus High School
We are a progressive, collaborative student-centered 7-12 school that enrolls 350 students. In addit...
Pine River/Backus Elementary School
We are a PreK-Grade 6 school in North Central Minnesota that has approximately 580 students. Our hig...
Pine River/Backus ECFE
Early Childhood Family Education is designed for parents and their children ages birth to age 5. ECF...
Pine River-Backus Area Learning Center
The PR-B ALC provides at-risk students an opportunity to find educational success, earn academic cre...