In-Fisherman: Power Trolling Walleyes
Fishing Tips & Tricks from the In-Fisherman
Power Trolling Walleyes
By In-Fisherman
Don’t accept slow summertime walleye action. Crank up your outboard and go after them. During midsummer, walleyes stay close to baitfish, leaving large expanses of water without fish. Also, baitfish abundance reduces walleye willingness to chase a lure.
Use power trolling to cover lots of water, searching for fish. A spinner rig coupled with live bait provides a strong strike trigger. The spinner blade provides flash and vibration to entice walleyes as well as other gamefish. Choose shape and size to match the color of the walleye’s preferred baitfish. Lime green, golf, or chartreuse are best where walleyes feed on perch or fathead minnows. Use silver or white combinations if minnows, shad, or smelt are common prey. Troll at 1 – 1/2 to 2 mph for most situations.
Bottom bouncers are another option for summer walleye action. Tie your line to the forward eye of the bouncer, and tie a leader with a spinner rig and crawler to the barrel swivel. Drop it to the bottom and troll parallel to breaks, along deep flats, or across points. For most situations, I prefer a 3 to 4 foot snell with a #2 blade. Choose bouncer weight based on trolling speed and depth of the fish. Carry models from 3/8 to 1-1/2 ounces, a 3/8 ouncer fishes well from 10 to 15 feet, a 1/2 ouncer down to 25 feet.
The wire arm tapping bottom adds action to live baits. The position of the lead on the lower leg determines action. Weight near the end of the wire keeps the spinner and bait stable as it drags. Weight farther up the shaft creates a jumpier motion that sometimes entices more fish.
Tips & Tricks Courtesy of In-Fisherman
7819 Highland Scenic Road
Baxter, MN 56425